Going back to my future

Today I am sitting in an old church that has been converted into a library (I promise to put photos up). It is beautiful and there is an air of serenity and reflection.

As I sit here, I reflect a wee (I'm in Scotland)  bit on my past. When you are alone and life gives you time to reflect, you often find yourself in the abyss of your mind. You remember things you buried, sometimes you smile, cry, frown and most of the time I just shake my head in disbelief.

You see I often have made some mistakes in my life. Sometimes I have let bad choices and wrong intentions overpower the good that I always have tried to do. There have been moments where I have chosen to live a life that is contrary to my true conviction. Where I have missed the mark I am sorry as I try to live in the beauty of holistic relationships.

Despite my best attempts in life, I could never do this alone. I was created for community. To be loved and to share love. In South Africa we have a concept of Ubuntu (which is being dissolved by western culture into a theory rather than an embedded part of our society). This means as I sit here I am here not because of what I have done but rather about the community that has supported and grown me. I am grateful for the relationships that have formed. For those who have contributed so deeply to my growth and develop. In the sense I cannot mention individuals because that would be to retract the roles of all those who have been involved.

I hope that in some small way my life blesses (I use this word with much trepidation) yours. I hope you can count me as a part of an integral part of who you are.


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