Forgive Me For I have Labelled

Edinburgh today is freezing and the SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! is on its way. As I sit here in this very warm room in Edinburgh listening to Dave Matthews Band at Woodstock 1999 . I feel good :)

I have just sent an assignment off for proof reading (I might give you snippets if its not illegal). There is this excitement and trepidation when you hand your work in. Excitement cause you are going to get feedback on your baby. Your mind will be exposed and all will see how you connect the dots. Trepidation because it can be a rejecting place at the same time. It's a good place to be in.
Anyway back to what's important. Lately I have really enjoyed writing. Its been a source of reflection and joy in my life. It's definitely something I have missed. However, when you write something you don't let it go. I think it mulls in your head and you cannot escape its grasp.

This past label post has not gone away. It has haunted me like a bad dream but I it forced me to reflect on myself. Reflection is a hard place to be in. Often we can be neither honest or critical enough of ourself but sometimes we are gripped by the heartstrings of life and we can do nothing else but confess.

So..... Here is my confession.
I have labelled people. I have been the one dishing out the labels. Never was this more apparent to me than when someone who I defined in a certain way was far more gracious and encouraging than I could ever have imagined. The labels that I had given didn't fit at all. I sinned against this person.

So..... Here is my request
If I have labelled you. I am sorry. I am sorry that I have said something about you that boxed you. The hope is that you can forgive me and my label.


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