"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself." Unknown
I think I might have written about this before, but I really am struggling with this lately. I am warping my mind to try figure out why humans label things.
Now labels are not always bad things. They warn us, they protect us and direct us.
There are labels that I can't shake off. I mean I can't deny the fact that I am white, male, South African and middle class.
But this is where it gets tricky. Just because I am white, doesn't mean I am racist. It doesn't mean I am pro colonialism. Just because I am a man doesn't mean I wish to demeanor woman. I am many labels, yes but I am not all things that these labels carry with them.
Labels can be destructive, they are at the heart judgmental and the demeanor the humanity of the person/s. It boxes people and limits their creativity. It's as if when we utter the label that power is taken from that person.
I am certain things, I can hold these things but I feel that I don't want to be grouped with peoples judgments. I want to be me not just labels.
No more can we box people solely into such labels as liberal, conservative, white, black, male, female. I hope one day we might get to a post label society.
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