What You Bring Into The Room

I am definitely growing and changing in ways that I never thought I could. I am developing in areas that I didn't know I needed. I am finding an inner strength that I never knew I possessed. All of these have come at a cost though. A cost is that things I had put to bed in past have to be relooked at and reworked. The mental furniture needs to make space for these new experiences and in so doing reinterpret assumptions of my past. This is no easy space.
I have realised that every time I walk into a room these things come with me. I am the person I am because of who and what I have experienced. To deny these things is to deny my very essence.
However, I have noticed two things from recent experiences about walking into rooms.
First, sometimes you walk into a room and the whole room can be on a totally different path to you; and that's ok. Growing means that sometimes you can be ahead (or behind) the curve and as such can be an outcast in the room you're in. Sometimes it's better to just understand that we're in different spaces and that some of us are on another plane. (I really hope this doesn't sound arrogant).
The second thing is that we need to realise that sometimes we have to freeze our issues. Sometimes in order to be a professional and to meet the needs of other people, we cannot allow for our issues to be the driving force in the room. That doesn't mean we never pick our issues up again, on the contrary, it just means that when it is time to pick it up we can afford it the right space and time in which it can be dealt with better.
So the question then becomes not only what you bring into the room but also how you bring it into the room.
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