Seasons Come and Then They ...
On Saturday I finished another season of Cricket. The season came to an end and four months of games became a memory. All the practices have now come to an end. The kit that I prepared at the beginning of the season goes back into the cupboard. Waiting for next year. Where it will be brought out again.
As I write this post, the Festival in Edinburgh is about to end with the fireworks display set for this evening. This not only marks the festival for me but also the end of summer. Summer is about to become a distant memory. The nights will get shorter and the heat of the summer sun will be replaced by winter's wind.
The thing about seasons is we can't stop them. They come around and we can't stop that they happen. It really think it's nature's way of saying to us "There are some things you can control and others you can't". There are somethings that you have the power to change and other things that you have no power over. I cannot control the weather, I cannot control when the sun will rise and how it will set. I cannot control how people will judge me, or how they will interpret what I say.
Why is it then that I want to micromanage every single aspect of my life. Why is it that I feel the need to do that for others? Maybe... I need to learn from nature. To realize that there are some things I can control. I can control my response to the seasons but I cannot control the season. I can choose to plant during spring or I can go without because I am trying to control the season.
I think that's what the serenity prayer was getting at. Maybe I need to learn what I can control and what I can't. And most importantly... Be ok with that
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